
Deerbrook Editions • A New Publisher to SPD

Recently Deerbrook Editions has had a boost by becoming a part of Small Press Distribution. Their hard work means our books are getting much more exposure by having some titles in this year's spring catalog, and hopefully in upcoming events and festivals. Deerbrook Editions will be represented at the LA Book Festival April 25 & 26 with Small Press Distribution, along with a large number of their many independent press books and literary titles. A non-profit organization, Small Press Distribution carries poetry, fiction, and cultural writing from over 400 presses and can be found on line here.

We are currently doing a mailing of post cards directing folks at stores around the country to the SPD catalog and web site where they can find our titles.

The web site will eventually have all back list books still in print, as well as the titles below currently listed in the catalog.
"The Last Island," poems by Mimi White
"Prayers and Run-on Sentences," poems by Stuart Kestenbaum
"Poems from the Pond," poems by Candice Stover
"Marlowe The Great Detective," by Katharine Whild, a full color children's fiction in hard cover .
